“I'm prone to exaggerate when I'm sober."
― Randy Wayne White, Dead Silence

Hot spots mean different places for many people. There are some of the most well-known famous Cuban hot spots like the evening cabaret at the Tropicana, sipping a Hemingway style lime flavor daiquiri the Floridita, and touring the Hotel Nacional - Every visitor to Cuba has to experience these locations and shows.
Nonetheless, the real hot spots in Cuba are where the beaten path ends, where the island residents frequent. We can take you to the most 'in' restaurants where the Cuban elite go for a dinner. You'll commonly see the sons and daughters of Cuban diplomats - the next generation of the Cuban economical forces. If you want to see the 'scene' we can take you there.
On the other hand, our list is full of the lesser-known places, the ones you won't find on the map or in a tour book, but that will provide an aperture into the day-to-day Cuba. Let us take you to the paladares where you will be sent back in time to experience what the 1950's upper-class homes were like during that era. Let us show you the Cuban restaurants, outdoor, thatched-roof and charcoal grill aroma filled to really know what Cuba is like. These are the real hot spots, the ones that aliment the Cubans in both culinary and culture.